Thursday, September 11, 2014

First Job

So it's not a big deal or anything, but I got a job!! Granted it's just nannying three days a week, but I adore kids and no taxes, so it's a win win! So excited to see the opportunities that come from this experience. I am extremely thankful for this, I've been praying for job opportunities for awhile now. Prayers really do get answered! 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Catching Up

It's been awhile, hasn't it? Nearly two years I believe. As the years have gone by I have adapted to my life in Camas, learning to enjoy the experience and love my new life. Embracing the fact that I'm a junior in high school and soon to be 18 years old, I've come to find out that time truly does fly by. To be completely honest, restarting my blog was not my idea and hadn't even crossed my mind until last week when school began again. My writing teacher, the amazing Mr. Anderson, told us that this year we are going to keep a blog, write poems, non fiction and fiction stories, and also a complete novel. Yes, a NOVEL. As I sat there in my seat surrounded by my peers, who's names I had never bothered to learn in my two years of attending the same school and classes with, I thought, "hey, I already have a blog, why not just add to it?" So here I am, on day one of many to come, writing out my thoughts, careless as to who might read them. Most likely no one, except perhaps my teacher. I know that it is more likely I will stay invisible in this little world and you know what? I'm okay with that. I'm okay with not being the center of attention, with just blending in. I am not writing for you, not for my peers or even for my teacher, but for myself. It's funny because I'm typically such a private person, hating when people(or more specifically my parents) know details of my life, but as I lay here on my carpeted bedroom floor, I don't have a care in the world who reads this. This is me, the real me, the raw me. Just Kenna. Welcome to my life, I hope you enjoy the ride.

Friday, January 4, 2013


I made friends!! And they are pretty freaking awesome I must say.(: Nuff said(;

Monday, December 17, 2012

8 Days Till Christmas!!

So, it's eight days till Christmas, and guess who still needs to get most of her shopping done? Moi!! My parents haven't really started shopping yet either.... I grew up in a whole family of procrastinators!! Remember those cupcakes I said I was gonna make? Wellp, I've got one done! Four more to go.... It's cute!! Right? Kinda.... Well I like it! But I still need to get some little in between gifts. One problem: I have like no money../: hey Santa, little help here! d:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Getting ready for Christmas!

Put up Christmas tree: check
Decorate Christmas tree: check
Christmas shopping: not check...
Christmas cookies: not check...
Hot chocolate EVERYDAY: check(:

I still have work to do and Christmas is in... 15 days!! Time to get busyy! I feel like it's be easier to shop for my brother if he wanted something that costed less than 60 bucks. Seriously bro, I'm fifteen! I have next to NO money! Please be realistic.... But I'm making these super cute mason jar cupcakes and have the persons favorite candy inside for each person in my family. There adornable!!(:

Willows been having fun driving me insane. She find it amusing to drenched herself in mud and crap(literally) then try to jump all over me. Then I just give her death glare and scream, 'Jump on me and you will never see daylight again!!!' I can be kinda cruel....

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Going Back To Tri Town

I'm going back to Tri Town tomorrow!! I'm so excited! Gonna go get my nails done with me BESTFRIEND Miss Rebeca Lynn Whitecotton and I'm gonna stay the night at her house. I can't wait! But I have to get up early tomorrow... Like 5 am... Which might be hard cause I've been waking up at like 1 pm everyday... Haha(: Wish me luck!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Day 5

Happy Black Friday! Did I go shopping? Nope. Did I sleep till noon? Why yes, yes I did. And no, I do not regret it. JCP was having some good sales on jeans, but not good enough to wake up at three am for... Willow was pretty excited though, she woke me up at four. Which would've been great, if I actually could drive and if she
didn't just need me to walk downstairs with her to key go pee in the backyard . Does anybody know how cold it is at four in the morning in rainy Vancouver? I do. It's freezing...